Covid-19 has meant many expecting mothers aren’t getting the prenatal or postnatal support they need and deserve.

We are lucky enough to live in a world where it is very easy to have virtual chats and visits. I've supported mothers from afar with custom sessions for their needs.
I’ve supported first-time mothers who now only have phone appointments with medical professionals and have had all prenatal classes cancelled.
And (very dear to my heart) virtually supported my sister, who lives in New Zealand, with the birth of her second IVF miracle baby to achieve her ultimate birth wish of a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean Birth). Pictured above.
It looks a little different online, but I provide the same level of respect, knowledge, love and support – just with less physical contact. Although, I do make sure to talk to your partner about upping their hug game to make up for missing out on mine.
Everyone deserves a Doula.
It takes a village.
#ittakesavillage #doulalife #everyonedeservesadoula #ittakesavillage #prenataldoula #birthdoula #postnataldoula #virtualdoula